【深夜食堂煮婦同樂會第3話】- 雞蛋布丁

The third installment of 深夜食堂煮婦同樂會 brings a simple yet popular dish to the menu: Japanese Egg Pudding [雞蛋布丁]. Despite the simplicity of the dish, owing to the number of steps involved I will write this week’s entry in English (and probably indefinitely from now on unless I am feeling exceptionally diligent one week!).

This seems very similar to a dessert I grew up eating at school – Creme Caramel. But as usual the “Japanese” way simplifies things a lot when compared to English/French recipes and places the emphasis (in my opinion) on the smoothness and fineness of the texture. 最緊要滑!

The caramel sauce can have varying degrees of darkness – I tend to like mine quite dark and slightly bitter so I allowed the sugar to caramelize slightly longer.

Here are the ingredients: (Makes 4 puddings)

Caramel Sauce-

4 tbsp sugar

1 tbsp water

2 tbsp hot water

Egg pudding-

2 eggs

250ml milk

5 tbsp sugar

Make the Caramel Sauce:

(1) Butter the pudding moulds lightly to ease removal later

(2) Heat the sugar and water on medium heat

(3) Watch the mixture carefully once it starts bubbling as it will turn brown and boil very quickly

(4) Control the heat and timing so achieve your desired burntness

(5) Take the pan off the heat and carefully add the hot water in parts to thin the caramel. CAUTION: the very hot caramel will spray out so face the pan away from you and wear appropriate protection

(6) Quickly pour the caramel into the moulds before it solidifies

Make the Egg Pudding:

(7) Whisk the eggs gently to mix thoroughly without creating too many bubbles

(8) Heat the milk with the sugar just until it has all dissolved. Allow to cool slightly

(9) Pour the warm mixture into the eggs whilst whisking gently

(10) Skim any bubbles and strain into a pouring jug

(11) Fill the moulds

(12) Cover the moulds with tin foil to retain moisture

(13) Heat a pan of water (about 3-4cm deep) with a towel inside and put the pudding into steam. Simmer the puddings for 18-20mins. Do not let the water boil. The towel will also help to prevent the puddings from being disturbed too much. This will help to achieve a smooth and silky texture

(14) Cool the moulds in a water bath and once cool, refrigerate until cold

(15) Remove from the fridge and slide a sharp tool around the edge of the pudding

(16) Gently knock the moulds against a cloth to loosen the pudding

(17) Serve on a plate

The puddings turned out quite smooth and silky and the sauce was also sufficiently bitter. However I think the texture can be further improved as there were still some “air-pockets” in the pudding that can be smoothed out. Perhaps it’s because the steaming heat was slightly high. Also I need to get some taller moulds, these bowls did not give the ideal shape. But all in all an easy and tasty dessert!

A special thanks for my wife in helping me capture the process! =)

Here are the efforts by the other members-

Helen 的方家小廚



Viviana 英倫廚房筆記




噹噹 Blog

歡迎新成員, WongC9!

Postman bearing gifts last week…

As usual, HasBean (www.hasbean.co.uk) comes through just as I was about to suffer a seizure from 3 days without any coffee (but not from lack of caffeine). I don’t know any internet merchant who provides a faster and more reliable service. Ordered Monday morning and I was drinking by Thursday morning – needless to say I was a happy camper.

The El Salvador Finca San Jose Red Bourbon has strong cherry flavours and a rounded and full body. An excellent robust coffee, particularly great for mornings.

The Ethiopia Sidamo Deri Kochoha Guji Washed on the other hand is a more delicate coffee with a very clean palette. The coffee has good fruit, a slight sweetness and a long finish. It has been quite a while since I have had an Ethiopian as there seems to have been a dearth of African coffees this year. This is an excellent coffee that I would be happy to drink all day.

Both coffees come highly recommended.


當偽主婦ki琪 邀請我參加這一次【深夜食堂煮婦同樂會】計劃時我已經知道要在瑞士做菜單上某些日本料理將會是一件不很容易的事. 但她說:不要緊, “Just use your imagination, that’s the spirit!”. 不知道讀者們會否知道,但在瑞士,星期日大部分商店都不開門。昨天我去超市時,我沒有找到任何合適的魚做鹽烤秋刀魚 (秋刀魚就當然沒有!), 因此我買了一些蝦決定用同樣的方法來煮.







(1) 先將蝦清洗並除去內臟

(2) 用竹籤籤好及抹幹

(3) 將少許醬油和酒混合, 輕輕塗在蝦上. 輕輕塗上少許醬油及灑鹽和胡椒

(4) 烤爐用中至高火放蝦在烤架上, 每邊烤3-4分鐘至熟

(5) 馬上可以上碟!

雖然很簡單但吃起來也不錯唯一可以咸一點兒,多一點醬油就好. 大家可以試試.


這星期有很多新戰友加入 (包括我在內!). 不防參考大家的做法:

– 鬼嫁料理手帳

– 鬼嫁料理手帳重新做的鹽燒三文魚頭

– Helen的方家小廚

– 為食二人組的喪食足跡的燒多春魚

– OL醉愛廚房的整體式烤法

– Viviana英倫廚房筆記的西式鹽燒魚

– 偽主婦ki琪的作品

【深夜食堂煮婦同樂會第1話】馬鈴薯燉肉 (that I did not make)

I woke up to a surprise this morning as I had been invited by kikidaydreaming (of 偽主婦的廚房 fame) to join the exclusive and prestigious 深夜食堂煮婦同樂會! I surmise it was out of recognition for my recent efforts at the merely following and trying to recreate her amazing recipe posts… hehehe…

An avid fan of both cooking and japanese food, I thought this was an interesting idea after ki琪 sent me a (very serious) proposal. I had never heard of 安倍夜郎or 深夜食堂 but conceptually it sounded very 村上 春樹 – of whom I am a huge fan.

偽主婦 thought it would be interesting to have an overseas male chef perspective to the 煮婦同樂會! (I’m so honoured to be considered a 煮婦…) Having warned of my notorious laziness at blog-posting I was coerced into reviving my tumblr account.

Although I missed 第1話【馬鈴薯燉肉】, I will nevertheless re-post efforts by other members as an initiation into the club.

– 偽主婦ki琪的馬鈴薯燉肉

– OL醉愛廚房

Viviana 英倫廚房筆記

噹噹 Blog

A good effort by all the members! はじめまして!

I hope to post my first effort in a few days’ time….